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Meeting Dates

Board members, committees, and officers have been holding small group meetings for planning 2025 events. We are excited to be planning for assisting parks staff with public gatherings and to plan possible fundraising events. Watch the newsletters for an invitation and details for our full membership meeting in September.

Birds of Ottawa County Book
An annotated checklist of all the birds known to frequent Ottawa County. On sale at Bookman in Grand Haven and Reader's World in Holland. Also at Ottawa County Parks Office on Fillmore Street. Proceeds benefit Ottawa County Parks Programs.

Five Year Update and Photo Supplement Now Available
This Update does not replace Birds of Ottawa County, Michigan: An Annotated Checklist, but is an addendum to the original publication. In addition to the Five Year Update, there is a color Photo Supplement created by Judi Manning that includes 53 photos of new county records as well as other uncommon to rare birds that have been seen in Ottawa County since 2015.
The update is available at this link: